• Post category:Movies
  • Post last modified:September 11, 2017

The Silent House


Wilson (Gustavo Alonso) and his daughter Laura (Florencia Colucci) spend the night in a previously barred and bolted house out in the countryside that a friend (Abel Tripaldi) is putting up for sale, but strange sounds are coming from upstairs. A hand-held horror movie that plays out in real time and cleverly looks as if it’s shot in one continuous take. Remains creepy as long as we don’t know what’s hiding upstairs but degenerates into boredom after a while, and the twist is very unconvincing.

2010-Uruguay. 79 min. Color. Directed and edited byĀ Gustavo HernĆ”ndez. Cast: Florencia Colucci (Laura), Gustavo Alonso (Wilson), Abel Tripaldi (Nestor), MarĆ­a Salazar.

Trivia: Original title: La casa muda. Remade in the U.S. as Silent House (2012).



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